The Eye Site strives to stay up-to-date with the latest technology available in optometric care. We offer non-invasive exams on quality equipment to provide you with the most thorough exam possible.
LipiFlow Treatment
Millions of people worldwide have been diagnosed with dry eye, and learn to live with the symptoms. However, for most, the root cause of dry eye is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), and can be highly treatable. MGD occurs when there are gland blockages or damage that prevents the natural production of oils that protect the watery layer of our eye, causing our eyes to become "dry" quicker. At The Eye Site, we provide the equipment to identify and treat MGD with LipiFlow. LipiFlow is a treatment that works to unblock glands with minimal discomfort. If you suffer from dry eye, contact us today to for a dry eye evaluation to determine if the LipiFlow treatment could improve your eye health.
During your eye exam, it is important to view the inside structure of your eyes to check for early signs of disease. Until recently, this meant dilating your pupils with eye drops that created blurred vision and discomfort, often lasting half the day. However, we offer the Optomap evaluation that eliminates the need for dilation, most of the time. The Optomap, available for children and adults, take a picture of your eye that allows us to see the majority of your retina in a single image. Whereas traditional exams with dilation allow us to see only a small part of your retina (20%). The Optomap increases the chance of early detection of eye problems, helping to keep your eyes at their best.